Sunday, June 14, 2020

So many months later

I haven't written here in nearly forever.  Life, and the world as we know it, have changed so very drastically.  This is just about health though.

In February, my doctor was very concerned about my cholesterol level.  I really started making an effort.  Then coronavirus hit, and my stress level kind of went up.  However, in May I decided to get really serious.  I have been truly working out almost every day (even if only for ten minutes) and making sure I am moving.  I have been mindful of what I am eating.  And in one weekend I suddenly gained three pounds.  I GAINED THREE POUNDS.  I thought maybe it was just hormonal, but three weeks have passed and I can't get those pounds off.  I am truly, truly sad and frustrated about this.  We have vacation and family wedding plans coming up this summer.  I need to get some of this weight off!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Ugh...but maybe a new start?

Well, it's been three months since I wrote.  And of course, those three months included Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and Valentine's Day.  On the downside, I did gain some weight, but only a couple of pounds.  That isn't justification...that's the correct amount.  The scale in our bedroom also didn't work and that certainly didn't help things.  However, the battery has been changed, and I'm ready to go again.

I've actually been working out for almost a week.  It isn't a's a ten minute low impact cardio workout.  It's better than nothing at this point, and I'm hoping it leads to more.  The thing is, I actually enjoy it!  I would love to find a fifteen minute one that is about the same level.  I'm thrilled with it, and of course that increases the probability that I will actually do it.  It's good to be up and moving!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Four weeks later

I've been MIA with this for four weeks.  There have been some issues.  Not the least of which has been my big right toe.  It was infected for several weeks, which made walking challenging, let alone anything else.  Honestly, I've got tons of excuses, but I need to remember that is exactly what they are...EXCUSES.  I've got to get moving!  The holidays are coming and I don't want to get bigger.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Where is time to exercise

Yesterday I had my shoes and was ready to walk, but I was called to cover another class.  After work I had to run band errands and go to the church office.  By the time I got home, I had about an hour until Catherine needed to go to band, and I had more work to do.  On the upside, I've been at least watching my calorie intake in terms of beverages.  I've been drinking water during the day, and I've been drinking a cup of tea instead of a glass of wine.  Those are better choices.  Maybe today will be a day with some actual exercise...we'll see!

Monday, October 29, 2018

It wasn't a good weekend

In terms of my health, it wasn't a good weekend.  I didn't make many healthy choices at all.  Part of it was the fact that it was my birthday weekend, but I need to be more motivated.

One problem I am having is simply time.  Today for instance, I'll be lucky to be home by 5:00.  The kids will need to leave around 5:30 for band, and I won't be home until about 6.  Laundry and dishes need to be done, and it just seems as though no exercise is going to happen.  I need to try to find time though!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Some good, some not so good

Today I am subbing, and I got in my three laps around the halls.  That was something I had let slide and I need to get back to doing more frequently.  I can't always guarantee it is possible if I have to cover another class, but I need to bring my shoes in case I can.

I also had a salad with dinner last night, and put pico on my chicken sandwich instead of some kind of sauce.  I didn't bring pop today, but I sure don't like the seltzer water I did bring.  These are good steps.

Not so good is the three cookies I had yesterday, or the glass of wine.  I don't see myself giving up wine anytime soon, but I need to make sure I am moderating.  Always room for improvement!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Finding something to drink

One of my first things I need to do is find something I can be drinking during the day.  I really don't like water...really, really, don't like it.  However, I think part of my problem is that I drink pop every day.  I try to drink milk when I'm home, but that doesn't really travel well in my lunch bag.  I've decided to try drinking some seltzer water.  I know it still isn't water, but it's a small change.  I know that only making small changes might only add up to small weight loss, but hopefully it will add less!

It's time to get serious about getting healthy

This Saturday, I am going to turn 45 years old.  Already, I am three years older than my dad was when he became ill.  And he was perfectly healthy at the time.  Anyway, I will be 45 on Saturday, and getting on the scale this week I have seen numbers that I have not only never seen before, but never wanted to see.  It's time to get serious about losing weight.  Ideally, I need to lose 50 pounds to be where I really "should" be, but my goal for right now is losing 20 pounds.  I'm not even sure I know exactly how to do it, but I'm hoping this forces me to be more mindful and aware, and take it seriously.